Federal Policy | July 10, 2020
The Black Lives Matter movement and the related protests across the country have led many to rethink, or think more deeply about, issues of racial and social equity in our society and the systems that have reinforced racism and exclusion. This is certainly true in housing. As our team said following the senseless deaths of George Floyd […]
Federal Policy | June 26, 2020
Earlier this week, the House Democrats released text for H.R. 2, the Moving Forward Act, a $1.5 trillion infrastructure and transportation plan. The sweeping legislation provides funding for transportation, including highways, bridges, and transit, as well as money for widespread infrastructure improvements and provisions for financing and tax credits to support community development, revitalization, and rehabilitation. The […]
Analysis | June 19, 2020
During a time in which most of the housing advocacy community is focused on the looming rent crisis and how to assist those who are, or will soon have, trouble paying their rent, a pro-housing production bill is quietly moving through the California Legislature. Last week, the California State Assembly approved AB 2345, which would expand the state’s […]
Analysis | June 12, 2020
Two weeks ago, our insights post examined why available rental payment data is not able to fully capture the severity of the current crisis, much less the one that looms on the not-so-distant horizon as economic conditions continue to worsen. From partial payments, payment via credit card, extreme demand for state and local rent payment […]
| June 5, 2020
Up for Growth grieves with the families of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor. We say their names because each deserves to be grieved individually and specifically. We bear witness to the collective pain of the black community that comes from knowing that there are more names on this list than can be said […]
Federal Policy | May 29, 2020
Emergency assistance is desperately needed to keep working families and essential workers impacted by COVID-19 in their homes and financially secure, while also stabilizing the broader housing ecosystem. Such assistance will not only keep families housed as they face extreme financial hardship, but it will also help mitigate a more expansive housing and financial market […]
Analysis | May 15, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has shed an even brighter light on the critical need for safe, affordable housing. The nation’s existing housing crisis has compounded the impact of COVID on public health and on the economy. Even before the current crisis, a shortage of homes at every price point left nearly half of American renters cost […]
Federal Policy | May 8, 2020
The growing calls from affected renters, landlords, and lenders for direct rental assistance for households impacted by COVID-19 is a reminder of housing’s importance to the larger economy. While housing can be a pathway for growing wealth, the high cost of housing can be the primary factor in holding American families back from ever becoming financially […]
Federal Policy | May 1, 2020
Over the last several weeks, we have discussed at length the interventions at the federal level necessary to keep people in their homes and ensure rent is paid on time. The Emergency Rental Assistance Act of 2020, sponsored by Rep. Denny Heck (D-WA), is one proposal we support that would provide direct rental assistance to millions […]
Federal Policy | April 24, 2020
On Thursday morning, the Department of Labor announced the latest number of unemployment benefit claims filed across the country. An additional 4.4 million Americans filed claims, bringing the total to 26.4 million Americans filing for unemployment since the COVID-19 crisis began. It’s a staggering number – approximately 20% of the entire American workforce, and exceeding the […]
Guest Post | April 17, 2020
Editor’s Note: In advance of Earth Day, we asked two of our members, Urban Environmentalists and Abundant Housing LA, to contribute an Insights Report focused on the intersection of environmental stewardship and housing policy. We hope you enjoy the insights from Joanna Gubman, Zack Subin, and Phillip Kobernick with Urban Environmentalists and Anthony Dedousis with Abundant Housing LA. […]
Analysis | April 10, 2020
Though we are weeks away from many American cities and states “bending the curve” on new COVID-19 cases, a popular argument has emerged – primarily among those already skeptical of cities – that the global pandemic should make us rethink a push towards denser development. It’s a point-of-view that is easy to digest: when combatting […]
Federal Policy | April 3, 2020
As we discussed in last week’s insights post, the CARES Act contains several provisions that either directly or indirectly address housing. The $2.2-trillion legislation directs money to housing programs for low-income Americans, while providing expanded Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits to the millions of Americans now out of work. For many of these beneficiaries, housing was […]